Posted by: Outreachfirst Post Date: April 27, 2017

Our Financial Prudence and Compliance

Statutory Compliance Principles and Financial Prudence

One of the key value system which was incorporated during the foundation of Outreach First was, that we will comply with all laws of the land in spirit and letter. In our history of 15 years, we complied 100% of all labour laws and tax laws.

Since our main business was Manpower Outsourcing and employing of young generation and convincing them to implement PF and ESI into the salaries was a challenging for our HR department because the young generation did not consider it of no value in PF and ESI deductions, due to always stop-gap arrangements.

The call center by far was never meant to be long-term career for majority. However, we stuck to our resolve to comply with all laws in toto, whether it is the labour laws which include the PF, ESI and other labour welfare laws or TDS or the tax laws. We are 100 compliant and that has been our core strength. Mr. Sanjay Jain’s guiding role in this has been crucial. He has always been ethical in practicing the GAAP. We take pride in claiming that we are one of the cleanest organizations and we take immense pleasure in that.

“If you get up early, work late, and pay your taxes, you will get ahead–if you strike oil.”– J. Paul Getty
